Center of Mallorca

The Pla de Mallorca is the picturesque heartland of Mallorca, a region that encapsulates the island's rich culture and vibrant traditions. Here, you'll find charming towns like Sineu, where the rhythm of daily life is set by one of the best markets in Mallorca, offering a wide range of local flavours and artisanal crafts. One of the highlights is the famous Muc festival, a celebration that happens every year in August deeply rooted in the town's agricultural heritage, featuring lively music, dancing, and delicious delicacies that showcase the best of Mallorcan cuisine.

a market with fruits and vegetables
a market with fruits and vegetables
green plants near door
green plants near door
a city with a very tall building on top of it
a city with a very tall building on top of it

Venturing further into rural Mallorca, you'll encounter smaller towns like Lloret de Vistalegre, a tranquil village where time seems to stand still amidst its winding streets and traditional stone houses, the perfect place to just sit back and relax while having a café con leche or cortado like a local. Meanwhile, Montuiri beckons with its rolling hills and scenic countryside, providing the perfect backdrop for outdoor adventures. And don't miss the traditional festival of Sant Bartomeu in Montuiri, one of the most popular traditional dances on the island, where the cossiers dance through the streets, captivating locals and visitors alike with their mesmerizing performances.

brown horse standing on brown field during daytime
brown horse standing on brown field during daytime
a windmill is shown against a blue sky
a windmill is shown against a blue sky
buntings hanging between concrete houses
buntings hanging between concrete houses

But the Pla de Mallorca isn't just about charming towns and lively fiestas. It's also a treasure trove of historical sites and natural wonders waiting to be discovered. From ancient ruins to serene landscapes, there's no shortage of places to explore and experiences to cherish in this enchanting region. Whether you're seeking cultural immersion, outdoor adventure, or simply a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of other tourist areas, the Pla de Mallorca offers something truly special and is a must-visit for every traveller to enjoy. Click here if you wish to know more about this amazing part of the island.